Thursday, February 17, 2011

UT Austin Social Media Collaborative: Facebook Bootcamp

On Wednesday, February 16, we hosted the first Facebook Bootcamp at The University of Texas at Austin. Based on feedback, my UT Austin Social Media Collaborative colleagues and I put together a four-hour bootcamp for our higher education team from all areas of campus.

The bootcamp featured a Facebook representative from the Austin office, content strategy, Facebook Insights, case studies from around campus and a student panel.

We recorded the bootcamp thanks to our friends in the Faculty Innovation Center at the Cockrell School of Engineering.  Here's a look:

Welcome and Introduction
Presentation by Facebook with Q&A
Pages Success Stories and Admin Interface with Q&A
Content Strategy
What are UT Students Looking for in UT Facebook Pages? A Panel with UT Students
Merging Social Media into Your Design/Branding Strategy
Wrap-up/Next Steps

You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to view.

During the presentation, we asked our colleagues to post questions to Twitter using the hashtag #UTSMC and post questions to our Facebook page.  Here's the Keepstream collection we pulled from the day.

A BIG thank you to my fellow collaborative board members Lisa Crider, College of Communication; Juan Garcia, Cockrell School of Engineering; and, Nyleva Corley, Office of Public Affairs.
And, a BIG thank you to all our presenters!


  1. Looks like a cool presentation. My master's research has been about using Facebook to drive civic engagement and what Facebook administrative strategies increase civic engagement. The final report should be done in the next month, and I'll send it on to you if you're interested?

  2. @Amy - thanks, Amy! Your research sounds fascinating. Yes, please send me the final report when you're done. Would love to read it. :)
